Figaro Pho

Figaro Pho


Seasons & Episodes

EP26  Zemmiphobia (Fear of The Great Mole Rat)
Jan. 01,0001
Zemmiphobia (Fear of The Great Mole Rat)

Figaro observes on his calendar that the 31st of December is the “rising of the great mole rat”. In terror, Figaro imagines the Godzilla of Mole rats on a destructive rampage towards his house, only to realize that his preconceptions were grossly misled.

EP25  Ylophobia (Fear of Wood)
Jan. 01,0001
Ylophobia (Fear of Wood)

Figaro is shivering by the fireplace as he grabs a piece of wood to throw on the fire. Figaro’s phobia comes to the fore when he observes a humanlike face in the piece of wood. In shock, he throws the wood into fire, which sends a vengeful calling card to all wooden objects and trees.

EP24  Xerophobia (Fear of Dryness)
Jan. 01,0001
Xerophobia (Fear of Dryness)

Figaro is wandering through a dry, salty landscape dying of thirst. He rushes to watery relief only to be disappointed by a cruel mirage. The final mirage being the cruelest of all...

EP23  Wretchophobia (Fear of Ugly)
Jan. 01,0001
Wretchophobia (Fear of Ugly)

Figaro pompously unveils a freshly painted portrait of himself, only to receive a karmic tickle in the nose and sneezes a gallon of snot on the portrait. In a Dorian Grey moment, we see how the ugliness on the paining is reflected on Figaro’s face! Brown paper bag here we come!

EP22  Vellociphobia (Fear of Speed)
Jan. 01,0001
Vellociphobia (Fear of Speed)

Figaro is on a bobsled when he comes to the realization by simple equation that his 5kmphr limit could easily become 500 kph if he is not careful. Of course, safety is abandoned when he trips and stumbles back onto the bobsled and speeds down the treacherous slope down to impending doom.

EP21  Uranophobia (Fear of the Cosmos)
Jan. 01,0001
Uranophobia (Fear of the Cosmos)

Figaro is peacefully laying down on the edge of the cliff (his favorite outdoors spot). The serenity is broken when his world literally turns upside down and he becomes the victim of an intergalactic vacuum cleaner.

EP20  Telephonophobia (Fear of Telephones)
Jan. 01,0001
Telephonophobia (Fear of Telephones)

Figaro attempts to be civil and polite to an innocent commuter called Herman, when suddenly a telecommunications van zooms by and erects a public phone right next to the bus stop. Figaro’s imagination runs wild as we see the phone turn into a lasso-wielding monster.

EP19  Sciophobia (Fear of Shadows)
Jan. 01,0001
Sciophobia (Fear of Shadows)

Figaro lights the candles in his lounge causing his own shadow to change into a menacing shadow creature bent on Figaro’s demise.

EP18  Rhypophobia (Fear of Poo)
Jan. 01,0001
Rhypophobia (Fear of Poo)

Figaro rushes to the toilet on a full bladder, only to discover that 3 stinky deposits have made their presence known in the toilet bowl. In a desperate attempt to flush the poo’s down the toilet, his conscience ignites, leaving him in a mournful and tearful mess.

EP17  Quassophobia (Fear of Vibrating to Pieces)
Jan. 01,0001
Quassophobia (Fear of Vibrating to Pieces)

Figaro tries to paint, but becomes irritated by a pesky fly. His fear of Vibrating to pieces becomes apparent when the fly lands on his hand and causes a tremor that escalates to the point where Figaro breaks in a heap of rubble on the balcony floor.

EP16  Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards)
Jan. 01,0001
Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards)

Figaro is in Santa’s workshop, when he imagines himself being sucked into Santa’s terrifying beard. In a parody of ‘Alien’ we see Figaro being attacked by a menacing, face hugging beard creature.

EP15  Ophthalmophobia (Fear of Being Stared At)
Jan. 01,0001
Ophthalmophobia (Fear of Being Stared At)

The only way to Figaro’s bathroom is via the endless hallway lined with hundreds of spooky portraits. Figaro’s paranoia comes to the fore when he believes the portraits are watching him. The climax of his fear enters the scene when he is chased down the hallway by an enormous ‘Indiana Jones’ style eyeball.

EP14  Nephophobia (Fear of Clouds)
Jan. 01,0001
Nephophobia (Fear of Clouds)

Figaro welcomes blue skies and in a sound of music moment dances to his favorite spot outside – The edge of a cliff! His moment is ruined by the entry of a tiny cloud floating on the horizon. In an attempt to ward away the miniscule cloud, it zooms over to Figaro with puppy like enthusiasm.

EP13  Meteorophobia (Fear of Meteors)
Jan. 01,0001
Meteorophobia (Fear of Meteors)

Figaro (an ardent bird watcher) observes a rare feathered beauty through his telescope, when he unwittingly leans on the telescope and redirects the scope to an approaching meteor.

EP12  Lachanophobia (Fear of Vegetables)
Jan. 01,0001
Lachanophobia (Fear of Vegetables)

In a World War 1 scene we see Figaro in the trenches fighting against a backdrop of approaching vegetables.

EP11  Koniphobia (Fear of Dust)
Jan. 01,0001
Koniphobia (Fear of Dust)

Figaro exercises his obsessive cleanliness by vacuuming an impossibly high shelf in his lounge room. His closer examination of the shelf reveals an unsightly dust critter on the edge of the bookshelf. The discovery of the microscopic sized foe leads to a succession of unfortunate events, resulting in the worst possible dust-covered result!

EP10  Jellophobia (Fear of Jelly)
Jan. 01,0001
Jellophobia (Fear of Jelly)

Figaro discovers a funny shaped plate of jelly, and although he fears the translucent byproduct of horse’s hooves, he prods and pokes fun at it only to be abruptly reminded why he should be fearful.

EP9  Insectophobia (Fear of Insects)
Jan. 01,0001
Insectophobia (Fear of Insects)

Figaro is pruning a large cactus plant on his balcony but is thrown into shock and horror when he unwittingly snips the arm off a large stick insect hiding in the shrub.

EP8  Hypnophobia (Fear of Sleep)
Jan. 01,0001
Hypnophobia (Fear of Sleep)

Figaro is sleeping peacefully when suddenly Boris the stinky man invades his dreams. In this episode we try to work out reality from fantasy as Boris keeps rearing his very ugly head.

EP7  Gerontophobia (Fear of Old People)
Jan. 01,0001
Gerontophobia (Fear of Old People)

Figaro takes another trip down to the bus stop only to discover grandma Dorothy is sitting on the bench, beckoning Figaro to sit next to her for some company. His horror of old people escalates as Dorothy offers Figaro a boiled mint from the bottom of her purse.

EP6  Felinophobia (Fear of Cats)
Jan. 01,0001
Felinophobia (Fear of Cats)

Figaro’s fear of Cats comes to the fore when he hears the horrific sounds of a meowing cat at the front door. In this episode we see how the roles become reversed by the cunning wily ways of a very crafty kitty.

EP5  Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)
Jan. 01,0001
Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)

Figaro settles down to a nice meal of sausages, eggs and toast. When Figaro unwittingly consumes several mouthfuls of ancient curdled milk, his desire for morning breakfast comes to a grinding halt.

EP4  Dermatosiophobia (Fear of Skin)
Jan. 01,0001
Dermatosiophobia (Fear of Skin)

Figaro goes about his usual morning ablutions only to realize that his skin is completely green when he switches on the bathroom light. Every time he switches the light off and on, his skin changes to a different skin pattern!

EP3  Chorophobia (Fear of Dancing)
Jan. 01,0001
Chorophobia (Fear of Dancing)

Figaro switches on an old gramophone only to discover his horror of 1920’s dance tutorial polka. Figaro proceeds to emulate the dance moves of 20th century dance heros Michael Jackson and John Travolta, only to discover that he has been observed by a very appreciative grandma Dorothy from next door.

EP2  Bromidrosiphobia (Fear of Bodily Odours)
Jan. 01,0001
Bromidrosiphobia (Fear of Bodily Odours)

Figaro ventures out for a short bus ride to the local village. Whilst smelling a fragrant rose, Figaro’s tranquility is shattered by the arrival of a very, very stinky man who sits right next to Figaro despite the fact that every other seat is free.

EP1  Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)
Apr. 07,2009
Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

6.4 | en | Animation , Comedy | More Info
Released: 2009-04-07 | Released Producted By: , Country: Australia Budget: 0 Revenue: 0 Official Website:

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oldgirl In the world of CGI animated series, this one stands out for several reasons: 1. fantastically detailed scenery. OMG, somebody else please notice that his wind-up record player also shows films!. Lots of sinuous curves and oddly-placed angles, with texture and color and pattern judiciously placed to convey discomfort, occasional riot and rumpus, and delighted surprise. 2. really clever sequences, especially those involving the mailman or anything to do with heights or depths. 3. a refusal to talk down to the kiddies. if they don't get the subtleties, they'll enjoy the raucous carnage. 4. a lack of fear when addressing not only scary things, but also gross things -- all topics are sorted through the very, very quirky process and come out as comedy. It might even get the kids thinking about fear. Don't be surprised if they ask questions afterward.