How Do Animals Do That?

How Do Animals Do That?

How Do Animals Do That?
How Do Animals Do That?

How Do Animals Do That?

8 | en | Documentary

Animals do the most incredible things. They have super powers humans can only dream of. On How Do Animals Do That? new science and amazing demonstrations reveal the secrets of the animal world.

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Seasons & Episodes

EP40  Extraordinary Fish and Dog Doctors
Jan. 01,0001
Extraordinary Fish and Dog Doctors

Investigations take place as to how fish walk on land, breath out of water, and survive without open water for up to four years. Would you believe that science has proven that living with a dog in your life just might extend it by some years ?

EP39  Dog Spindryer and Dancing Spiders
Jan. 01,0001
Dog Spindryer and Dancing Spiders

Dogs fur soaks up a lot of water and would take up to a day to dry, but with their special technique, they can remove most of the water in just four seconds. Why spiders dance is investigated. How do birds fly so high without oxygen starvation ?.

EP38  Defying Gravity and Dancing Birds
Jan. 01,0001
Defying Gravity and Dancing Birds

Do dogs really watch TV or are they reacting to the sound and movement ? Investigatons are carried out on how many different animals are able to seemingly defy gravity. Cuttlefish have become masters of disguise in order to survive. Why do some birds dance ?

EP37  Guilty Dogs and Weird Eggs
Jan. 01,0001
Guilty Dogs and Weird Eggs

Does your dog really feel guilt, or is the act to avoid punishment ? Arctic Terns are absolute masters at using the sun to navigate over thousands of kilometres. The Lace Wing and the Port Jackson Shark have some of the worlds weirdest eggs.

EP36  Pigeon Factory and Fish Snipers
Jan. 01,0001
Pigeon Factory and Fish Snipers

Pigeons breed so fast that a single pair can produce 100 offspring in a single year. An Archer fish is so smart it shoots its prey off the foliage. Turtles always return to their birthplace to lay eggs. How do Trap Jaw Ants bite so fast, and why do Rhino only poop in one spot ?

EP35  Puppy Dog Eyes and Weird Platypus
Jan. 01,0001
Puppy Dog Eyes and Weird Platypus

Dogs know just how to get their human owners to do what they want. Frog feet, duck bill, lays eggs, stings like a bee and sleeps 14 hours a day, the Platypus is one of the earths strangest mammals. Could the Puffadder be the only snake without a scent and what makes a chimp laugh ?.

EP34  Pink Flamingos and Drinking
Jan. 01,0001
Pink Flamingos and Drinking

The myth is that eating shrimp makes flamingos pink, but the truth is really amazing. Drinking water for humans is easy, for some creatures not so much. How and why do flying fish fly ? The Kimodo dragon can take down a buffalo, and why are some spiders so brightly coloured ?

EP33  Amazing Chicken and Flying Snakes
Jan. 20,2021
Amazing Chicken and Flying Snakes

The amazing road from egg to chicken. Dogs love to lick, and there are many reasons why that is. Hearing in the wild is a survival issue, so how do elephants hear something 160Km away ? Amazing animals that can regrow lost limbs and tails, and how does a flying snake fly ?

EP32  Climbing Goats and Bird Flocks
Jan. 01,0001
Climbing Goats and Bird Flocks

Can animals paws or claws be left or right handed like humans ? Climbing goats risk their lives on cliffs to get salt. Mosquitos are attracted more by smell than other factors. Can snakes hear ? How does a flock of birds act like a swarm of bees ?

EP31  Barking Dogs and Sloth Buffets
Aug. 01,2019
Barking Dogs and Sloth Buffets

Dogs barks and howls are a means of communication. Sloths use algae to turn their fur green for camouflage from predators. How do sea turtles navigate their way home? Who is natures greatest jumper, and how do diving beetles spend so long underwater?

EP30  Burly Seahorses and Early Birds
Aug. 01,2019
Burly Seahorses and Early Birds

What makes seahorses almost indestructible? Believe it or not dogs bury bones, because their ancestors buried food remains to preserve it. Sealions whiskers can help them catch food in the dark. Elephants can actually detect explosives. Why do birds sing in the morning?

EP29  Cuddly Rhinos and Bizarre Noses
Jan. 01,0001
Cuddly Rhinos and Bizarre Noses

Why do rattlesnakes release their prey after biting ? Rhinos have a dangerous reputation, but are they really just insecure softies ? Cows always seem to be chewing so do they like their food that much ? Sperm whales, the biggest animal on earth makes the biggest noise.

EP28  Acrobatic Cats and Butterfly Wings
Jan. 01,0001
Acrobatic Cats and Butterfly Wings

Do subterranean tunnel living mole rats know the secret to a long healthy life or do they have an adaptation that helps them ? How do cats survive falls from height and always land on their feet? How do hummingbirds fly when it is raining? Butterfly wings not only get them around, but markings act to confuse predators.

EP27  Time Telling Dogs and Kangaroo Hops
Jan. 01,0001
Time Telling Dogs and Kangaroo Hops

Can dogs really tell time or is there some other factor undetectable to us that is helping them ? Why do bees die after they sting you ? What is the secret behind the kangaroo's hop? Plus, why do vultures fly in circles? Experts answer these questions.

EP26  Dog Doctors and Animal Architects
Jun. 22,2019
Dog Doctors and Animal Architects

Dogs are being trained to help humans, so how does your dog know when you're sick ? Why do octopuses have blue blood ? Which animals make the most amazing nest? These questions amongst others are investigated by experts to determine how and why.

EP25  Cheeky Hamsters and Camel Humps
Jan. 01,0001
Cheeky Hamsters and Camel Humps

How do hamsters stuff so much into their cheeks? Despite popular opinion, camels humps do not store water, but are actually fat that is used to survive lean times. How do crocodiles find prey in dirty water ? Plus, why are pigeon wings so noisy ?

EP24  Foxy Foxes and Sticky Spiders
Jun. 15,2019
Foxy Foxes and Sticky Spiders

Kangaroos are baby making machines because of simple survival in the wild. Do you know that spiders have up to seven different silk glands, but why don't they get stuck in their own webs? Parrot brains are walnut sized, so why are they so clever ?. How do foxes find water in the desert?

EP23  Sheep Wrangling Dogs and Turtle Tears
Jan. 01,0001
Sheep Wrangling Dogs and Turtle Tears

Sheep dogs, once trained can wrangle an entire herd of sheep, because of their pack hunt instinct. Moths are not really attracted to flames they are heading for the light they put out. Why do turtles cry? Sea otters use stones like we use tools, to get into their food.

EP22  Cat Speech
Jan. 01,0001
Cat Speech

Is a cats meow really trying to communicate to humans? Some of the world's cleverest monkeys have turned to a life of crime because they have learned that people will trade food for their stolen items. Birds don't actually pee because it is mixed with poo.

EP21  Cool Koalas and Elephant Calls
May. 02,2019
Cool Koalas and Elephant Calls

Believe it or not Koalas keep cool by hugging trees. Elephants can communicate over vast distances using Infrasound. A frog tongue is both spring loaded and sticky, so bugs beware. Vultures are immune to bacteria due to their stomach acid, and a trapdoor spider can live for 43 years.

EP20  Parrots, Eels and Pandas
Jan. 01,0001
Parrots, Eels and Pandas

Some parrots can talk but do they really know what they're talking about? Most bears are coloured to blend in to their surroundings, so why are panda's black and white? What is the longest animal on earth ? Can Electric eels electrocute themselves ?

EP19  Squirrels, Eagles and Bugs
Jan. 01,0001
Squirrels, Eagles and Bugs

Eagle eyes are so powerful because the actually have built in zoom. Rhino skin is thick for thorn protection in the bush. How does a squirrel take on a dangerous rattle snake ? The planet is overrun with bugs because they are so adaptable, and are able to multiply at speed.

EP18  Cats, Hippos and Meerkats
Jan. 01,0001
Cats, Hippos and Meerkats

Some cats are cross eyed because of a gene mutation. Meerkats eat poisonous scorpions by snapping off the poisonous tails with their speed. Hippos are able to sleep for hours underwater thanks to a special breathing reflex, and snakes "walk" on their ribs.

EP17  Caterpillars, Cats and Wombats
Apr. 28,2019
Caterpillars, Cats and Wombats

Caterpillars transform into butterflies only after stuffing themselves with food. Sharks do sleep but in very small amounts. Cat tongues are rough, because they basically comb their fur clean with it. Bats hang upside down because it makes it easier to fly, and Wombats poop cubes because of their intestine design.

EP16  Cats, Kiwis and Herring
Apr. 21,2019
Cats, Kiwis and Herring

Domestic cats find hard to get down from trees, because their claws are only designed to climb. Kiwis eggs are so big to help the chick to develop. Giraffes can make sounds but only at night. Herring flatulence almost caused a military attack and is used to track each other.

EP15  A Lions Roar and Leafcutter Ants
Apr. 14,2019
A Lions Roar and Leafcutter Ants

Dogs love to roll in poo because it passes messages. Leaf cutter ants cut and carry leaves back to their nest where it feeds fungus which is the ants food. Lions roar to communicate status, availability and territory, and Crabs dress up as camouflage and protection..

EP14  Super Sloths and Ostrich Marathons
Apr. 07,2019
Super Sloths and Ostrich Marathons

A dogs nose is so sensitive it can detect smells coming from underwater. Fire flies use chemistry to make light. The long legs of an ostrich makes it nature's fastest runner. Sloths use slow twitch muscles to hang out all day. A pelican bill is really a fish scoop net.

EP13  Whale Songs and Cool Canines
Mar. 31,2019
Whale Songs and Cool Canines

An anteaters sticky tongue allows it to slurp up hundreds of ants. Dogs keep cool by panting over their tongue. Humpback whales sing to communicate over distance. Beavers build dams to attract a mate and protect the family. Dung beetles collect balls so they can have a private meal.

EP12  Headbanging Birds and Unsinkable Ants
Mar. 24,2019
Headbanging Birds and Unsinkable Ants

You will never catch a fly, because its multiple eyes allow it to react way faster. Woodpeckers avoid headaches due to special skull bone. Giraffes' tongues are black to avoid sunburn. Fire ants become their own raft in a flood and can hold their breath too.

EP11  Smart Pups and Fish Baths
Mar. 17,2019
Smart Pups and Fish Baths

Dogs and wolves are smarter in different ways. Special fur and black skin keeps a polar bear warm. Some spiders use their silk strands to catch wind for a flight. Dirty fish use other creatures such as cleaner shrimps and wrasse to get cleaned up.

EP10  Flying Whales and Hippo Sunscreen
Mar. 10,2019
Flying Whales and Hippo Sunscreen

Dogs tilt their heads to see better. because their big noses block their vision. Humpback whales jump using their peduncle muscle. Spiders shed their old skin to grow bigger. Hippos sweat sunscreen and some animals swarm as a protection from other predators.

EP9  Cheesy Mice and Flatulent Manatees
Mar. 03,2019
Cheesy Mice and Flatulent Manatees

Believe it or not, mice don't really like cheese, because it can make them sick. When thousands of bats fly they use vision and echo location to avoid colliding. Manatees pass a lot of gas because they eat underwater grasses. Cats jump to catch food.

EP8  Space Bugs and Squirrel Mind Maps
Jan. 27,2019
Space Bugs and Squirrel Mind Maps

How squirrels hide their food and then find it again. Spitting Cobras, best to just stay far away. An alligator thinks a Tuba is a competitor. The Tardigrade bug can survive in space for some time, could it actually be an Alien ?.

EP7  Supersmart Dolphins and Hungry Hyenas
Jan. 27,2019
Supersmart Dolphins and Hungry Hyenas

Dolphins are really intelligent and accomplished hunters. Some cats love swimming in water and some just can't stand it. Hyenas can eat every last piece of a carcass, and geckos have special adaptations which allow them to climb anywhere.

EP6  Elephant Noses and Ancient Animals
Jan. 20,2019
Elephant Noses and Ancient Animals

An elephants truck is an amazingly versatile tool. Ladybugs have spots to warn others that they taste bad. Cats purr not just when they are happy, but sometimes they do it for comfort. Blue Whales are top of the biggest animal chart.

EP5  Psychic Cats and Fuzzy Otters
Jan. 20,2019
Psychic Cats and Fuzzy Otters

Cats can detect earthquakes jut before they happen, and owls can hunt in almost total darkness. Cheetas can accelerate faster than a Supercar, while Otter fur keeps them warm in cold water.

EP4  Puppy Dog Tails and Crocodile Jaws
Jan. 13,2019
Puppy Dog Tails and Crocodile Jaws

Tail wagging actually has a message for you, if you know how to interpret it, and crocodile jaws are powerful in bite mode, but you can hold them closed by hand if you're brave enough.

EP3  Backwards Birds and Slimy Sea Creatures
Jan. 13,2019
Backwards Birds and Slimy Sea Creatures

Looking at the science behind hummingbirds flying backwards, how do dogs know when you are sad, and why Hagfish are just so slimy.

EP2  Supersonic Owls and Invisible Octopuses
Jan. 06,2019
Supersonic Owls and Invisible Octopuses

How do owls sense prey they can't see, why are wild dogs the most efficient hunters, can an octopus disappear, and why don't penguins get cold feet ?

EP1  Levitating Lizards and Immortal Jellyfish
Jan. 06,2019
Levitating Lizards and Immortal Jellyfish

How a lizard can literally walk on water; how hippos speed through water if they can’t actually swim; how bees find nectar; jellyfish; cats’ whiskers.

8 | en | Documentary | More Info
Released: 2019-01-06 | Released Producted By: , Country: United Kingdom Budget: 0 Revenue: 0 Official Website:

Animals do the most incredible things. They have super powers humans can only dream of. On How Do Animals Do That? new science and amazing demonstrations reveal the secrets of the animal world.

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