Penn Point

Penn Point


Seasons & Episodes

EP189  CONTAGION: Bad Times. Better Movie.
Oct. 26,2011
CONTAGION: Bad Times. Better Movie.

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP188  Rise of the Monkeys
Oct. 24,2011
Rise of the Monkeys

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP187  The True Meaning of Halloween
Oct. 19,2011
The True Meaning of Halloween

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP186  Atheists Getting Bullied?
Oct. 17,2011
Atheists Getting Bullied?

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP185  Anyone Been to Ukraine?
Oct. 12,2011
Anyone Been to Ukraine?

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP184  Red State
Oct. 10,2011
Red State

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP183  Why Are Politicians Christian?
Oct. 05,2011
Why Are Politicians Christian?

It's not just Bachmann and Rick Perry! Why do politicians in America HAVE to be Christian? Or at least claim they are? Penn explains why "Christian" is the magic word in politics.

EP182  NSFW: Raunchiest Book You'll Ever Read
Oct. 03,2011
NSFW: Raunchiest Book You'll Ever Read

Put the kids away because this gets raunchy. Raunchy doesn't have to mean trashy. Penn showcases some of the dirtiest, naughtiest lines you'll ever hear outside of hardcore porn. But you'll find that they are surprisingly lyrical and interesting, too!

EP181  What Do Liv Tyler's Breasts Have to Do with Atheism?
Sep. 28,2011
What Do Liv Tyler's Breasts Have to Do with Atheism?

If there is one reason to see this film, it is that you get to see Liv Tyler naked. But there are some other good reasons to see The Ledge, too.

EP180  A Little Weird? You Can Still Be Successful!
Sep. 26,2011
A Little Weird? You Can Still Be Successful!

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP179  From Street Performing to Vegas
Sep. 21,2011
From Street Performing to Vegas

Penn reflects on his humble beginnings as a street performer, and how he eventually became a street performer AND author with a live show on the Vegas strip.

EP178  Everybody Get Naked
Sep. 19,2011
Everybody Get Naked

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP177  Is This Cold Remedy Bull$%*!?
Sep. 14,2011
Is This Cold Remedy Bull$%*!?

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP176  Rich People Problems
Sep. 12,2011
Rich People Problems

We don't have an overview of this episode, please check back later.

EP175  Garth Brooks in Vegas, Baby!
Sep. 07,2011
Garth Brooks in Vegas, Baby!

The Garth Brooks Vegas show is surprisingly not too bad, except for a few GLARING inaccuracies, as Penn explains in today's Penn Point.

EP174  Piers Morgan Did Not Like Penn's Book, Apparently
Sep. 05,2011
Piers Morgan Did Not Like Penn's Book, Apparently

Not everyone takes that well to God, No! (or atheism in general). Imported CNN toolbag Piers Morgan is one of those people.

EP173  DEFCON 19
Aug. 31,2011

Penn talks DEFCON 19, the annual Hacker Conference in Las Vegas held at the Rio Hotel. Penn loves hackers and welcomes them to his show...but just don't hack his stuff!

EP172  God No!
Aug. 29,2011
God No!

Penn's new book God No! has hit America and the publishing world by storm. After reading Penn's book you may discover you are actually an atheist, too.

EP171  Why We Believe in God(s)?
Aug. 24,2011
Why We Believe in God(s)?

People ask Penn all the time what books to read on Atheism. He highly recommends "Why we Believe in God(s): A Concise guide to the Science of Faith" by J. Anderson Thomson Jr, MD. Penn's book, "God, No!" is out now, too.

EP170  Penn Goes to Comic-Con!
Aug. 22,2011
Penn Goes to Comic-Con!

Penn shares his thoughts on Comic-Con which he attended for his new show, Penn & Teller: Tell a Lie, on the Discovery Network this fall.

EP169  Does Casey Anthony Deserve the Hate?
Aug. 17,2011
Does Casey Anthony Deserve the Hate?

Penn doesn't know anything about Casey Anthony and isn't really interested in the murder case that is fascinating America.

EP168  Hank Williams, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and Now Amy Winehouse Join the 27 Club
Aug. 15,2011
Hank Williams, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and Now Amy Winehouse Join the 27 Club

Amy Winehouse joins the heartbreaking "27 Club" of young artists who passed away too early. The reasons these singers lost their lives are tragic. Hank Williams died at 29, so while not part of the club, he was extremely influential in the music industry and also died too young.

EP167  Tell A Lie on Disco!
Aug. 10,2011
Tell A Lie on Disco!

Penn talks about his new show, "Tell a Lie," on the Discovery Channel coming out this fall. The show is full of outrageous, exciting stunts...but are they safe?

EP166  Hotel or Porn Studio?
Aug. 08,2011
Hotel or Porn Studio?

Penn thinks that Porn Morgul, Berth Milton Jr. is a genius. Guests can stay for free in exchange for broadcasting sex.

EP165  Penn Judges the Miss USA Swimsuit Competition!
Aug. 03,2011
Penn Judges the Miss USA Swimsuit Competition!

Penn shares his thinking behind the rules of judging the swimsuit competition in the 2011 Miss USA. How would you judge this category?

EP164  Conservapedia or Troll Site?
Aug. 01,2011
Conservapedia or Troll Site?

Conservapedia attacks Penn on being an atheist and challenges him to a debate. Penn declines the challenge because he believes it comes from a troll site.

EP163  Miss Maryland is Smarter Than Penn!
Jul. 27,2011
Miss Maryland is Smarter Than Penn!

Penn believes that Miss Maryland is a very smart woman and is a great representation of an adult. Although Miss Tennessee's mother defended her daughter against Penn.

EP162  Wildman Fischer: Crazy or Genius?
Jul. 25,2011
Wildman Fischer: Crazy or Genius?

Penn reflects on Wildman Fischer and other legends that have passed. Can crazy lead to genius?

EP161  Is Penn the Hardest Working Man in Show Business?
Jul. 20,2011
Is Penn the Hardest Working Man in Show Business?

Penn takes on three shows for TV, Theater, and now Cable. Is he the hardest working man in show business? Last man to reign this title was James Brown and he's dead!

EP160  Penn vs. Miss Tennessee?
Jul. 18,2011
Penn vs. Miss Tennessee?

Penn takes his Miss USA judging duties very seriously and challenges Miss Tennessee's answer of the burning of tye Quran. Was the question asked properly? Penn addresses his judgment!

EP159  Paul McCartney vs. Bob Dylan?
Jul. 13,2011
Paul McCartney vs. Bob Dylan?

Penn puts Paul and Bob in the ring! Paul McCartney is clean, healthy and plays to perfection. Bob is a character, cowboy hat, pencil stick mustache and full of celebrated wrinkles and chord changes on a dime. Bob reinvents his music in the moment while Paul honors the legacy of his music. Which one do you like?

EP158  Is Black Bird Poetry or Music?
Jul. 11,2011
Is Black Bird Poetry or Music?

Is there more meaning to the lyrics to Paul McCartney's song Black Bird? Penn explains his interpretation of what Black Bird could mean. A Bird? Civil Rights? Sex? Or Art?

EP157  Does Sean Lennon Look Like His Father John?
Jul. 06,2011
Does Sean Lennon Look Like His Father John?

In a rare appearance at Paul McCartney's concert, Sean Lennon's appearance surprises the audience with his distinct resemblance to his father, John Lennon. It's undeniable!

EP156  Fool Us!
Jul. 04,2011
Fool Us!

Penn shares the winners from the first UK show, Fool Us. John Archer and Ben Earl fooled both Penn & Teller and are now headed to Vegas to perform at the Penn & Teller Theater. Check out the magic!

EP155  Why Do Artists Change Their Lyrics?
Jun. 29,2011
Why Do Artists Change Their Lyrics?

Penn challenges the lyrics of Paul McCartney and Issac Hayes. What do these words really mean?

EP154  Are Zinc Lozenges Good For You?
Jun. 27,2011
Are Zinc Lozenges Good For You?

Penn wants to know if Zinc is any good for you (because he's been sucking away on them). Do throat lozenges really work like people claim?

EP153  Paul McCartney's drummer better than Ringo Starr?
Jun. 22,2011
Paul McCartney's drummer better than Ringo Starr?

Penn goes to a Paul McCartney concert and loves the drummer and believes he is better than Ringo. Abe Laboriel Jr. rocked the concert and everyone should google him.

EP152  Are you a Fat Atheist?
Jun. 20,2011
Are you a Fat Atheist?

Penn can't stand it when people label atheist with being fat! Penn is an atheist and fat, who cares?

EP151  Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Under ATTACK!
Jun. 15,2011
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Under ATTACK!

Our religious freedoms are under attack by the intellectual elite! As long as you count dressing like a pirate and worshiping sentient pasta to be religious freedoms, that is.

EP150  Texas to TSA: No Groping!
Jun. 13,2011
Texas to TSA: No Groping!

Texas comes up with a law to ban groping by the TSA. Feds threaten to close all airports in Texas.

EP149  Westboro Baptist Church donates $50,000 to Gay Charity
Jun. 08,2011
Westboro Baptist Church donates $50,000 to Gay Charity

Comedian Lisa Lampanelli donates $50,000 to a gay charity in the Westboro Baptist Church's name - $1000 for every church member who protests her show.

EP148  Modern Art Masterpiece or 5-Year-Old's Doodle?
Jun. 06,2011
Modern Art Masterpiece or 5-Year-Old's Doodle?

Can you tell the difference between a painting by Pollock and one by a Kindergartener? Don't lie.

EP147  Fool Us: Backstage Secrets REVEALED!
Jun. 01,2011
Fool Us: Backstage Secrets REVEALED!

...or maybe Penn just talks about his new hat.

EP146  The Epic F-Bomb Saga - Uncut!
May. 30,2011
The Epic F-Bomb Saga - Uncut!

Because YOU demanded it - Penn's sage advice on when to drop the F-bomb, uncut and in its entirety.

EP145  Ellen Page is Super!
May. 25,2011
Ellen Page is Super!

What do you get when you put Ellen Page in a skintight leotard? A Super movie!

EP144  New Suits for Penn and Teller!
May. 23,2011
New Suits for Penn and Teller!

Penn and Teller get new suits. The world rejoices.

EP143  Steve Martin LIVE
May. 18,2011
Steve Martin LIVE

A comedy giant. A movie legend. A bluegrass king?

EP142  Martin Luther King Jr. Quote CONTROVERSY
May. 16,2011
Martin Luther King Jr. Quote CONTROVERSY

In the wake of Osama Bin Laden's death, a Martin Luther King Jr. misquote causes Internet furor.

EP141  Atheist Army Chaplains???
May. 11,2011
Atheist Army Chaplains???

Atheist chaplains in the U.S. Military, As if the foxholes weren't full enough already.

EP140  Atlas Shrugged
May. 09,2011
Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged, Part 1: The movie. Is it the Objectivist Passion of the Christ?

EP139  Bill Nye the Atheist Guy
May. 04,2011
Bill Nye the Atheist Guy

Bill Nye infuriated a Waco, TX audience by daring to point out that the moon reflects the sun's light.

EP138  F@#% You! Part 2
May. 02,2011
F@#% You! Part 2

Mister Manners tells you how to properly drop the F-bomb. To a Disney employee. NSFW!

EP137  F@#% You! Part 1
Apr. 27,2011
F@#% You! Part 1

Mister Manners teaches you how to properly drop the F-bomb. NSFW!

EP136  25K: The Greatest Indie Film Ever
Apr. 25,2011
25K: The Greatest Indie Film Ever

Well, maybe not best ever. But they made it for $8600.

EP135  The Book of Mormon
Apr. 20,2011
The Book of Mormon


EP134  Teen SEXTING Controversy
Apr. 18,2011
Teen SEXTING Controversy

Teen Sex + Mobile Phones: Two great tastes that taste like felony child pornography together.

EP133  Gilbert Gottfried vs Japan vs THE GIANT DUCK
Apr. 13,2011
Gilbert Gottfried vs Japan vs THE GIANT DUCK

Yes, Aflac should have fired him. No, Gilbert shouldn't "have known better."

EP132  NPR: Government Sponsored Radio is WRONG
Apr. 11,2011
NPR: Government Sponsored Radio is WRONG

NPR doesn't need the government's money or the controversy that goes with it.

EP131  Libya: Why Are We There????
Apr. 06,2011
Libya: Why Are We There????

We're spending money we don't have to kill people we don't know for reasons we don't understand.

EP130  Agnostics Suck!
Apr. 04,2011
Agnostics Suck!

Agnostics have the most annoying opinions on the Internet.

EP129  No More Hookers!!!
Mar. 30,2011
No More Hookers!!!

Sen. Harry Reed (D-NV) denounces prostitution. Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot.

EP128  Anonymous vs. Westboro Baptist Church
Mar. 27,2011
Anonymous vs. Westboro Baptist Church

Cyberterrorists and Christian hate groups and First Amendment rights, oh my!

EP127  Proof that God Exists! Or Doesn't!
Mar. 23,2011
Proof that God Exists! Or Doesn't!

The Argument between Christians and Atheists is a snake chasing its own tail.

EP126  Charlie Sheen: Winning for YOU!
Mar. 20,2011
Charlie Sheen: Winning for YOU!

Charlie Sheen is exactly what we want in a superstar: bats#!t craziness.

EP125  Atheism: Pick Your Battles
Mar. 16,2011
Atheism: Pick Your Battles

When is it appropriate to shout at the top of your voice, "THERE IS NO GOD! THERE IS NO GOD!"?

EP124  Jillette vs. Gillette: Which is Sexier?
Mar. 14,2011
Jillette vs. Gillette: Which is Sexier?

In this shocking expose, Penn reveals the secret truth behind... his name.

EP123  Massive Homeopathic Overdose Cures
Mar. 09,2011
Massive Homeopathic Overdose Cures

Thirst. If you drink enough homeopathic medicine, you will be less thirsty. For anything else, take something real.

EP122  Spy on Shoppers Without Leaving the House!
Mar. 07,2011
Spy on Shoppers Without Leaving the House!

A company in the UK has developed the latest weapon in the war against crime: an army of bored internet users watching store security cameras from home. This cannot possibly go wrong.

EP121  iPad News Smackdown!
Mar. 02,2011
iPad News Smackdown!

Which news reader for the iPad is the best? None of them.

EP120  Billy the Mime
Feb. 28,2011
Billy the Mime

This mime doesn't suck. Except when he's miming Anna Nicole Smith.

EP119  Dripping Wet, Squeaky Clean
Feb. 23,2011
Dripping Wet, Squeaky Clean

Science fact: Hair really does squeak when it's clean. Especially nubile high school girl hair.

EP118  Rock Hard Erections Back and Forth
Feb. 20,2011
Rock Hard Erections Back and Forth

Grammar lessons! Dick jokes! This episode has it all.

EP117  Buy Our Stuff!!!
Feb. 15,2011
Buy Our Stuff!!!

9 out of 10 hot teen lesbians agree: your life will become a wonderland filled with rainbows and unicorns if you buy stuff from our sponsors.

EP116  Competition: Bane or Blessing?
Feb. 13,2011
Competition: Bane or Blessing?

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

EP115  Get Out of Debt Now!
Feb. 08,2011
Get Out of Debt Now!

By 2020, the US will have to run everything for 8 cents on the dollar.

EP114  Jenny McCarthy Will Kill Us All!
Feb. 06,2011
Jenny McCarthy Will Kill Us All!

When the Measles Epidemic of 2020 wipes out humanity, blame this bimbo.

EP113  Tucson Shooting: Who is at fault?
Feb. 01,2011
Tucson Shooting: Who is at fault?

Human nature drives us to search for deeper meaning, but maybe it's just the shooter's fault.

EP112  Tucson Shooting: Fuck Civility!
Jan. 30,2011
Tucson Shooting: Fuck Civility!

Hyperbole, passion, and metaphor are beautiful parts of rhetoric. The marketplace of ideas can not be toned down for the insane.

EP111  Holly Madison + David Copperfield = ???
Jan. 25,2011
Holly Madison + David Copperfield = ???

Holly Madison and David Copperfield work some magic on Penn.

EP110  Snooki & JWOWW vs. Joy Behar = FIGHT!
Jan. 23,2011
Snooki & JWOWW vs. Joy Behar = FIGHT!

Who is more self-deluded, Snookie or Joy Behar? The answer may surprise you/be really inconsequential in the greater scheme of things.

EP109  Fortune Teller FAKE
Jan. 19,2011
Fortune Teller FAKE

Bullshit Changes the Life of a Tarot Card Scammer

EP108  Ant Crucifix Censorship Controversy
Jan. 19,2011
Ant Crucifix Censorship Controversy

Should the government use taxpayers' money to support controversial art?

EP107  Suicide is NOT the Answer
Jan. 12,2011
Suicide is NOT the Answer

The It Gets Better campaign has one flaw: implying that suicide is a rational response to bullying.

EP106  Nixon: Surprisingly Cool
Jan. 09,2011
Nixon: Surprisingly Cool

Richard Milhous Nixon. America's BEST president... or America's BESTEST president?

EP105  CALM Act: Government Volume Censorship
Jan. 04,2011
CALM Act: Government Volume Censorship

Economy in collapse. Unemployment soaring. US govt. to the rescue with... TV commercial volume level laws???

EP104  Arsenic-Based Life in Space?
Jan. 02,2011
Arsenic-Based Life in Space?

Scientists have discovered Arsenic-based life on Earth. On other planets? Not so much.

EP103  Cartoon Characters on Facebook $@$%ing Suck!
Dec. 28,2010
Cartoon Characters on Facebook $@$%ing Suck!

Changing your profile picture on Facebook to a cartoon character to raise awareness for child abuse is the stupidest @##@ing idea ever.

EP102  Penn's First Drug Trip
Dec. 26,2010
Penn's First Drug Trip

In darkest New England, a tribe of elderly female churchgoers conduct a secret rite every Sunday. The result: coffee jello. Seven times stronger than the purest methamphetamine, this noxious substance and its use have finally come to light.

EP101  Atheists Attack Baby Jesus!
Dec. 22,2010
Atheists Attack Baby Jesus!

In yet another battle of the ongoing War Against Christmas, the American Atheists take to the streets. Fox News is there to save Baby Jesus from these vile fiends.

EP100  An Atheist Family Christmas
Dec. 19,2010
An Atheist Family Christmas

The Atheist's dilemma: is Christmas just a crass commercial shill, or a bullshit celebration of Baby Jesus?

EP99  The Biggest Hypocrites Since the Vatican's Interior Decorator
Dec. 14,2010
The Biggest Hypocrites Since the Vatican's Interior Decorator

Penn feels intense compassion for several ministers who have come out of the closet as Atheists. Apparently, they actually read the Bible and realized how immensely ludicrous it all is.

EP98  Was Einstein an Atheist?
Dec. 12,2010
Was Einstein an Atheist?

A recently discovered letter, written by Albert Einstein, demonstrates Einstein's views on religion, God, and the "Chosen" status of the Jewish people. [SPOILER!] He thinks it's all "an incarnation of the most childish superstition."

EP97  Penn reviews
Dec. 08,2010
Penn reviews

Penn has a startling encounter with Al Pacino and drools over ingenue Lily Rabe. Who says Shakespeare ain't for dummies?

EP96  Andy Kaufman: Was This Man a Genius?
Dec. 05,2010
Andy Kaufman: Was This Man a Genius?

Penn delivers a book report on "Was This Man a Genius?: Talks with Andy Kaufman" Julie Hecht interviews Andy Kaufman, trying (and mostly failing) to get a straight answer out of the notoriously evasive comedian.

EP95  S.E. Cupp-Red Eye!
Nov. 30,2010
S.E. Cupp-Red Eye!

Penn thinks that S.E. Cupp is really good looking but she confuses the fuck out of people. How can a woman so pretty be so mixed up?

EP94  Who Cares if You Smoke!
Nov. 28,2010
Who Cares if You Smoke!

Penn doesn't care if you smoke and knows that graphic pictures or sending out scary information will not get people to quit.

EP93  It's Too Hard to Defend Sarah Palin!
Nov. 23,2010
It's Too Hard to Defend Sarah Palin!

Penn wants to defend Sarah Palin but just can't. Sarah Palin's recent tweets to Ann Coulter's comments are just another stupid move Sarah Palin does that Penn can not get behind.

EP92  Government and Marriage don't Mix!!!!
Nov. 21,2010
Government and Marriage don't Mix!!!!

Penn's position on Sisterwives, government should stay out of the marriages business. The government does not need to know who you marry, why you marry, how many people you marry or to not marry at all.

EP91  It Gets Better, When You Get Older
Nov. 16,2010
It Gets Better, When You Get Older

Penn explains that government is not going to make things better, when you get older life gets better.

EP90  It Gets Better- Bulllies Suck!
Nov. 14,2010
It Gets Better- Bulllies Suck!

Penn shares his own Bully experience as a big gay guy in school. Penn also questions why bullies do not come forward to admit they were bullies!

EP89  Night of Too Many Stars (2)
Nov. 09,2010
Night of Too Many Stars (2)

Penn recruits George Clooney next on his list to mess with callers at the Night of Too Many Stars Telethon part 2. Can Penn convenience callers that the real George Clooney is on the phone?

EP88  Night of Too Many Stars (1)
Nov. 07,2010
Night of Too Many Stars (1)

Penn takes on Tom Hanks at the Night of Too Many Stars. Not only does he fool callers in believing he is Tom Hanks he does it in front of Tom Hanks.

EP87  Is Halloween a Religious Holiday?
Nov. 02,2010
Is Halloween a Religious Holiday?

Penn talks about how religion and halloween have crossed paths. Penn defends those who don't celebrate halloween.

EP86  Do you know you are being watched?
Oct. 31,2010
Do you know you are being watched?

Do you know if you are being watched? Look, shows you how often cameras are on us all day long. This series demonstrates how surveillance cameras captures the human condition in the day to day world.

EP85  Is Your Facebook Private?
Oct. 26,2010
Is Your Facebook Private?

Is Facebook violating your privacy? Or is Facebook just a business that the government should stay out. You are only as private as you want to be.

EP84  Why Do You Love Mad Men?
Oct. 24,2010
Why Do You Love Mad Men?

Penn has a love hate relationship with the series of Mad Men. Penn loves to watch the very addictive show every week but doesn't know why, is it the 60's, the music, the smoking and drinking, Don Draper? Come find out.

EP83  Watching Movies on Your iPhone!
Oct. 19,2010
Watching Movies on Your iPhone!

Penn talks about watching American Werewolf in London on his iPhone and insults the director. Penn loves the movie and can't stop raving about the cinematic beauty and story lines. Penn proves an iPhone can capture movie greats without missing any of the screen. John Landis should be proud.

EP82  Sexy Blonde Online Causes a Murder! - talhotblond
Oct. 17,2010
Sexy Blonde Online Causes a Murder! - talhotblond

Penn takes us from the movie talhotblond to the mitigating circumstances around murder in a nano second. Typical. The movie is a documentary on questionable parental behavior filled with deception, beauty and murder. All the makings of the perfect rant about how we should not kill or lie to our children.

EP81  Is it Ethical to Download Free Music?
Oct. 12,2010
Is it Ethical to Download Free Music?

Penn's smart. He's got smart friends. What does he think of P2P file-sharin

EP80  The Science Behind Red Sea Parting
Oct. 10,2010
The Science Behind Red Sea Parting

Penn explains the science behind the Red Sea parting and why it's insane that a religious person would be behind the study.

EP79  Behind a New MSNBC Show and the Politics of WITCHES
Oct. 06,2010
Behind a New MSNBC Show and the Politics of WITCHES

Well, the show is actually called "The Last Word" -- but Penn was on a test episode where he agreed with the politics and beliefs of a real witch.

EP78  Pope Compares Atheists to NAZIS
Oct. 05,2010
Pope Compares Atheists to NAZIS

The pope is being accused of linking atheists to Nazis, so Penn tells Pope Benedict what he thinks.

EP77  FBI Has Cartoonist VANISH
Oct. 04,2010
FBI Has Cartoonist VANISH

Penn reacts to cartoonist Molly Norris's unfortunate fate. The FBI advised her to change her name and disappear.

Oct. 03,2010

Penn appeared in the original Wall Street... and at the Wall Street 2 premiere party.

EP75  CONSPIRACY THEORIES on Penn & Teller: Bullshit
Sep. 29,2010
CONSPIRACY THEORIES on Penn & Teller: Bullshit

Penn explains the conspiracy theories that he gets entangled in just by producing his show, Penn & Teller: Bullshit.

EP74  Bad Timing on Dancing with the Stars!
Sep. 28,2010
Bad Timing on Dancing with the Stars!

If you thought the audience boos for Sarah Palin and Jennifer Grey were bad timing, then you should see the rest of the show...

EP73  Imagine No Religion on 9/11
Sep. 27,2010
Imagine No Religion on 9/11

Penn tweeted "imagine no religion" on September 11 and here's the response he received.

EP72  How Book Burners Are Like Hitler!
Sep. 26,2010
How Book Burners Are Like Hitler!

Penn explains how a 1st Amendment attorney's opinion is how book burners are like Hitler.

EP71  The COOLEST Last Name Ever
Sep. 22,2010
The COOLEST Last Name Ever

There is a guy with the last name "Crimefighter" -- for a legitimate reason.

EP70  The MISSING Piranha 3D Scene
Sep. 21,2010
The MISSING Piranha 3D Scene

Penn speculates about the missing trombone scene in Piranha 3D and explores the pros and cons of 3D tits.

EP69  Glenn Beck Hate Mail! - What Does Glenn Beck Think of Penn?
Sep. 20,2010
Glenn Beck Hate Mail! - What Does Glenn Beck Think of Penn?

Penn gets hate mail because of his associations with Glenn Beck. Penn responds.

EP68  Jennifer Aniston Says THE R WORD!
Sep. 19,2010
Jennifer Aniston Says THE R WORD!

If you can't use the r-word, what can you use?

EP67  Dancing with the Stars Loser!
Sep. 15,2010
Dancing with the Stars Loser!

Penn Jillette revisits his time on Dancing with the Stars as the 2010 season begins with Bristol Palin and The Situation.

EP66  Koran Burning is DEADLY! - Terry Jones's Right to Burn Books
Sep. 14,2010
Koran Burning is DEADLY! - Terry Jones's Right to Burn Books

If a Koran burning could cause deaths abroad -- as General Petraeus claims -- then should we prevent it? Should book burning be banned altogether?

EP65  Caught in Glenn Beck's Controversy
Sep. 13,2010
Caught in Glenn Beck's Controversy

Penn is caught in Glenn Beck's controversy after he holds a contentious rally on Martin Luther King Day.

EP64  Mosques and Musilm Gay Bars Near Ground Zero!
Sep. 12,2010
Mosques and Musilm Gay Bars Near Ground Zero!

Penn finally talks about the mosque construction near Ground Zero thanks to your persistent commenting!

EP63  "Man, It F*cked Me Up..." - What Brought Penn to Tears? (2)
Sep. 09,2010

Penn finishes up his latest Penn Point on Nicholson Baker's Human Smoke.

EP62  What Brought Penn to Tears? (1)
Sep. 08,2010
What Brought Penn to Tears? (1)

Penn introduces us to his favorite living novelist of all time, Nicholas Baker.

EP61  Penn's Secret Creepy Movie Night!
Sep. 06,2010
Penn's Secret Creepy Movie Night!

Penn explains his Kevin Bacon movie night tradition and the puzzling film, Seventh Seal.

EP60  Rascal Flatts Parodies The Hangover in Las Vegas!
Sep. 05,2010
Rascal Flatts Parodies The Hangover in Las Vegas!

Penn and Teller will appear in a new music video by Rascal Flatts that parodies The Hangover. He discusses being associated with questionable music.

EP59  Penn Tries to Get Us Sued! - Penn Wears Spiderman Underwear
Sep. 02,2010
Penn Tries to Get Us Sued! - Penn Wears Spiderman Underwear

Penn attempts to get Revision3 into a lawsuit with Marvel comics by showing off his underwear.

EP58  Revealing A Brand New Penn and Teller Escape Trick
Sep. 01,2010
Revealing A Brand New Penn and Teller Escape Trick

Penn continues to workshop a brand new escape trick from their show at the Rio in Las Vegas.

EP57  What It's Like to Be On The Simpsons!
Aug. 30,2010
What It's Like to Be On The Simpsons!

Penn and Teller will appear on The Simpsons again! Penn tells you what it's like to hang out in Springfield.

EP56  Penn Loses His Hair!
Aug. 29,2010
Penn Loses His Hair!

Penn has decided to hack off his ponytail for Locks of Love.

EP55  The Most Common Question Penn Gets
Aug. 25,2010
The Most Common Question Penn Gets

Penn constantly gets one question about censorship after his show in Vegas. Here, he answers it.

EP54  The Sexiest Woman Around RIght Now
Aug. 24,2010
The Sexiest Woman Around RIght Now

Find out who Penn wants to fuck these days!

EP53  What Makes the Best Slam Poetry
Aug. 23,2010
What Makes the Best Slam Poetry

Penn is faced with a content/form conflict when he judges poetry on HBO's Brave New Voices.

EP52  Penn Disagrees with Christopher Hitchens
Aug. 22,2010
Penn Disagrees with Christopher Hitchens

Learn how Penn feels about disagreeing with Christopher Hitchens in spite of how smart he is.

EP51  Are Hippies Dirty? Study Says Maybe Not
Aug. 18,2010
Are Hippies Dirty? Study Says Maybe Not

The E. Coli grocery bag scare that Penn commented on might have been based on a bullshit study.

EP50  Liberals Think They Understand Everything!
Aug. 17,2010
Liberals Think They Understand Everything!

When a German magician fools Ari Melber backstage in Vegas, his reaction demonstrates the liberal attitude towards every political problem.

EP49  Racist Editing Ousted Shirley Sherrod
Aug. 16,2010
Racist Editing Ousted Shirley Sherrod

Penn follows up on the USDA racism scandal, the topic of his most recent Larry King appearance.

EP48  Religious Pray for Atheists to Die?
Aug. 15,2010
Religious Pray for Atheists to Die?

What does it say about prayer if people are praying for outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens to die?

EP47  Cash Cab FAIL!
Aug. 11,2010
Cash Cab FAIL!

Penn's Finnish "Penn pal" inadvertently sabotages him and Teller when they appear on Cash Cab.

EP46  Gross Snail Facials!
Aug. 10,2010
Gross Snail Facials!

In season 2 of Bullshit!, Penn and Teller introduced a phony alternative skin care product -- and it actually caught on.

EP45  The Hidden Burdens Police Endure Everyday
Aug. 09,2010
The Hidden Burdens Police Endure Everyday

Penn explains the daily annoyances that law enforcers face and how, in spite of those nuisances, they're held to a higher standard.

EP44  The Planet's Only Animal That Lives Forever
Aug. 08,2010
The Planet's Only Animal That Lives Forever

There's one creature on the planet that never dies -- reverting to youth after fully maturing. Who wants one?

EP43  The MOST Important Celebs in Vegas!
Aug. 04,2010
The MOST Important Celebs in Vegas!

Penn Jillette is one of Las Vegas Weekly's top 50 defining Vegas personalities. He couldn't be number one... could he?

EP42  Cheerleaders on Penn and Teller: Bullshit!
Aug. 03,2010
Cheerleaders on Penn and Teller: Bullshit!

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! covers sensitive subjects. So, when Penn was confronted by a paralyzed cheerleader's mother, he got nervous...

EP41  Why Doing Porn is Better than Being a Barista
Aug. 02,2010
Why Doing Porn is Better than Being a Barista

A circuit court ruled in favor of porn after the FCC tried to strike down John Stagliano's adult films for obscenity.

EP40  Penn's Retort to Tea Party's Dana Loesch!
Aug. 01,2010
Penn's Retort to Tea Party's Dana Loesch!

Dana Loesch responded to a Penn Point on her own show a week ago -- and here's Penn's reply!

EP39  From Penn Jillette's Personal Diary!
Jul. 27,2010
From Penn Jillette's Personal Diary!

What was Penn doing 10 years ago today? He was starting a new hobby -- one he knew he'd never be the best at.

EP38  What Happens to OLD iPhones?
Jul. 26,2010
What Happens to OLD iPhones?

Now that iPhone 4 is released, Penn explains what happens to old iPhones -- the same thing as retired circus pigs.

EP37  Can't Buy Me Love by The Beatles
Jul. 26,2010
Can't Buy Me Love by The Beatles

Penn pays homage to the Beatles music video for Can't Buy Me Love.

EP36  Get Out of Speeding Tickets for Life!
Jul. 25,2010
Get Out of Speeding Tickets for Life!

Penn's daughter has a middle name that might be considered child abuse, but it will get her out of speeding tickets for life.

EP35  Reusable Shopping Bags Pose a Dangerous Risk
Jul. 21,2010
Reusable Shopping Bags Pose a Dangerous Risk

Find out the risky upshot of the growing reusable grocery bag trend.

EP34  Police Violate Protesters in My Hometown!
Jul. 19,2010
Police Violate Protesters in My Hometown!

Where Penn stands, colonists fought for their freedom. Where Penn grew up, that right is being pissed away.

EP33  The MOST EXPENSIVE Card Trick Ever
Jul. 18,2010
The MOST EXPENSIVE Card Trick Ever

Penn welcomes you to Piccadilly Circus -- where he and Teller performed the most expensive card trick ever.

Jul. 14,2010

After arguing with Dana Loesch, James Carville and Stephanie Miller over our wars abroad, Penn has his thoughts confirmed by an old friend.

EP31  Gulf Oil Spill Solution Rejected by Dick Cheney
Jul. 13,2010
Gulf Oil Spill Solution Rejected by Dick Cheney

Ari Melber tells Penn and Joy Behar about a Gulf of Mexico oil spill solution that could have been.

EP30  Being Ugly in Show Biz?
Jul. 12,2010
Being Ugly in Show Biz?

Penn admits that in Hollywood, he won't get cast for the attractive parts.

EP29  Is Steve Martin an Atheist?
Jul. 11,2010
Is Steve Martin an Atheist?

Steve Martin is an entertainer so he rarely engages in controversy -- so, how does he handle his religious beliefs?

EP28  The Cruel Consequences of Astrology
Jul. 07,2010
The Cruel Consequences of Astrology

Walk into a thought experiment proving that astrological signs are akin to RACISM!

EP27  Penn Eats Pig with Jews!
Jul. 06,2010
Penn Eats Pig with Jews!

Learn how to go from Hasidic Jew to atheist -- Penn had dinner with a few friends doing exactly that.

EP26  Sexy Woman Freaks Out at George Clinton Concert
Jul. 05,2010
Sexy Woman Freaks Out at George Clinton Concert

George Clinton brought the funk. Penn and Teller brought the case of mistaken identity.

EP25  David Blaine Likes Vampire Movies!
Jul. 04,2010
David Blaine Likes Vampire Movies!

After watching a movie David Blaine recommended, Penn is reminded of an encounter he had with its director, Werner Herzog.

EP24  Even If You LOVE Obama, Here's Why You Shouldn't
Jun. 30,2010
Even If You LOVE Obama, Here's Why You Shouldn't

Assuming Obama is the PERFECT president, Penn Jillette explains why you shouldn't support his views on war and healthcare.

EP23  A WARNING To All Americans - Free Speech On Trial
Jun. 29,2010
A WARNING To All Americans - Free Speech On Trial

A jobless 51-year-old was sued for writing a letter to his senator. Does this limit your freedom to dissent?

EP22  Recording Police Abuse Could Get You Arrested
Jun. 28,2010
Recording Police Abuse Could Get You Arrested

In three states, it's now illegal to record law enforcement on a camera. Could this cause an escalation in police misconduct?

EP21  Empire State Building REJECTS Mother Teresa!
Jun. 27,2010
Empire State Building REJECTS Mother Teresa!

A Catholic dipshit is trying to get the Empire State Building lit up in Mother Teresa's "colors" by leveraging an embarrassingly inadequate petition.

EP20  Anti-Islam App BANNED By Apple!
Jun. 23,2010
Anti-Islam App BANNED By Apple!

Apple banned an app called iSlam and yet an anti-Christian app, BibleThumper, remains in the app store!

EP19  A New Discovery Could Eliminate Breast Cancer
Jun. 22,2010
A New Discovery Could Eliminate Breast Cancer

This new breast cancer vaccine could lead to some monumental changes -- in how you think about mice.

EP18  New Atlas Shrugged Movie News!
Jun. 21,2010
New Atlas Shrugged Movie News!

Penn tells us all about the new Atlas Shrugged movie and how its new indie angle could make it a blockbuster like The Passion of the Christ.

Jun. 20,2010

A firebombed Jacksonville mosque causes Penn to explain why individual beliefs should stay out of bombings and attacks.

EP16  Nancy Pelosi is a CRAZY PERSON
Jun. 16,2010
Nancy Pelosi is a CRAZY PERSON

Nancy Pelosi is just as insane as Sarah Palin when it comes to crazy religious shit.

EP15  SUPREME COURT Strikes Right to Remain Silent!
Jun. 15,2010
SUPREME COURT Strikes Right to Remain Silent!

In order to remain silent, you'll have to say so! Penn actually agrees with this awkward Supreme Court ruling.

EP14  Anti Vaccination is BULLSHIT
Jun. 14,2010
Anti Vaccination is BULLSHIT

Penn gives us a preview of an episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit that covers Andrew Wakefield and the antivaxxer controversy.

EP13  Penn & Teller's WORST Magic Gig Ever
Jun. 13,2010
Penn & Teller's WORST Magic Gig Ever

Penn & Teller risk getting robbed, raped and murdered at the worst gig of their lives.

EP12  What Secretly Happens Before EVERY Late-Night Talk Show
Jun. 09,2010
What Secretly Happens Before EVERY Late-Night Talk Show

Penn reveals what makes David Letterman and Jay Leno look like fun guys: the little known interview before he appears on a talk show.

EP11  Why More Politicians Should Be Like Rand Paul
Jun. 08,2010
Why More Politicians Should Be Like Rand Paul

Everyone is lambasting Rand Paul's perspective on civil rights, but Penn shares why some editorials are actually singing his praises.

EP10  The Yo-Yo Prankster is Just a Liar!
Jun. 07,2010
The Yo-Yo Prankster is Just a Liar!

The unsuspecting local morning shows that invited on J-Strass shouldn't be ridiculed -- and neither should the "racists" in Borat.

EP9  Why Not Even SARAH SILVERMAN Trashes Muslims
Jun. 06,2010
Why Not Even SARAH SILVERMAN Trashes Muslims

Penn lets you in on the alarming details behind why Sarah Silverman and a writer for The West Wing won't trash Muslims.

EP8  Why Hand Jobs Are Underrated
Jun. 02,2010
Why Hand Jobs Are Underrated

Penn officially ranks the three most underrated things in the world with musings on Christopher Hitchens's equally explicit version of the list.

EP7  Doda is Hot, Smart and Under Arrest!
Jun. 01,2010
Doda is Hot, Smart and Under Arrest!

Check out Penn's new crush -- Doda -- the hot Polish popstar who's not only smart but got arrested for blasphemy charges after dissing the Bible.

EP6  How TOP SECRET Information Changed Obama's Promises
May. 31,2010
How TOP SECRET Information Changed Obama's Promises

No conspiracy theories here -- but Penn discusses the possibility of Obama's change in policies after receiving top secret info.

EP5  CHIMP ATTACK! - The Monkey Party Story (2)
May. 30,2010
CHIMP ATTACK! - The Monkey Party Story (2)

Just in case you aren't circus-trained, know this: Never invite a chimpanzee and a little person to the same party.

EP4  CHIMP ATTACK! - The Monkey Party Story (1)
May. 26,2010
CHIMP ATTACK! - The Monkey Party Story (1)

Penn describes parties involving nude cornstarch wrestling and urination in part one of this infamous tale.

EP3  Why The Kindle is Better Than The iPad
May. 25,2010
Why The Kindle is Better Than The iPad

From the set of Bullshit, Penn explains why the iPad is a time-wasting distraction machine.

EP2  Behind a Top-Secret Penn & Teller Escape Trick
May. 24,2010
Behind a Top-Secret Penn & Teller Escape Trick

For the first time ever, Penn spills the beans on an illusion that's still in development.

EP1  F@#% You Seth MacFarlane!
May. 24,2010
F@#% You Seth MacFarlane!

In one of Penn's appearances on Larry King Live, Seth MacFarlane makes an inane argument about the Tea Party protests.

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Released: 2010-05-24 | Released Producted By: , Country: Budget: 0 Revenue: 0 Official Website:

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