Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

1985 ""
Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood
Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

4.8 | en | Horror

Late at night, a woman is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and taken back to his blood-spattered dungeon, where he turns her into a "flower of blood and flesh" through a series of dismemberment and evisceration.

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4.8 | en | Horror | More Info
Released: October. 07,1985 | Released Producted By: Sai Enterprise , Country: Japan Budget: 0 Revenue: 0 Official Website:

Late at night, a woman is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and taken back to his blood-spattered dungeon, where he turns her into a "flower of blood and flesh" through a series of dismemberment and evisceration.

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Joel 'Curt' Curtis Charlie Sheen wasn't alone- I first found this gem on a sweet p2p share site back in the early 2000's, and was pretty shocked with what I saw.No other movie, that I can remember (not even the Faces of Death series) have made my stomach turn disgustedly, and fearfully, like this film succeeded in doing. As the description states, woman walking alone at night, abducted with chloroform, wakes up with arms and legs bound on a gurney, and is then drugged while this hideous yet delicious masked maniac proceeds to dismember then disembowel her.I'd never seen an autopsy at that point, so I had no real reference point of what cutting deep into flesh looked like. But to me, this looked extremely real. The only thing that really was a give away were the different camera angles. Had this all been filmed in one take, from a single camera, I would have bet money (lots) that this were a real 'snuff' film.It would have been impossible to get all the precision shots and gory (quite literally) details had it been filmed in that way. I remember watching this, unblinking nearly, and feeling such a guilty joy. There is an instance where the woman, still apparently alive but very heavily drugged, vomits blood into the air (she's on her back and it isn't quite projectile, but forceful) and I could not conceive how that effect was done. Another give away that I just recalled, was that there was no genitalia shown at all. I find that so weird with Japanese/Asian horror...You see all kinds of graphic brutality, but no genitals. Huh. So after he has removed her limbs and then disembowels her, he scoops out one of her eyes with a spoon. And then proceeds to behead her. After that is finished, you go into the maniac's kitchen, maybe? There are many body parts and strange specimen jars. Interesting eye candy. I haven't seen all the Guinea Pig movies, I believe there are 5 in all...but this one is extremely better than He Never Dies and Mermaid in a Manhole. I totally didn't get those two...So if you are looking for some realistic gore, senseless violence and brutality, and a crazed Asian, look no further!! This film is a true gorehound's classic and must-have.I eagerly await the brand-new American remake of this film, "American Guinea Pig, Bouquet of Guts and Gore" directed by Stephen Biro to be released. What I have heard is that it may make the original pale in comparison, so look out for it too!
Jacques98 I'm going to say something that I've seen very few reviews anywhere say: Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood really, simply is NOT that gory. Do not misunderstand me. I'm not one of the countless reviewers who are complaining this movie didn't look realistic. Some of those people wouldn't think a real body being cut up looked realistic if they didn't know it was real. What I'm saying is, the actual events depicted on screen simply weren't all that gory or sick. Not by today's standards.It's a sad little world when you read the internet nerds who hide behind a cheesy screen name and trash modern torture movies because they're not gory enough for their supposed juggernaut balls. Most of them speak with elegance, spouting off the names of obscure Japanese movies that are "So sick!" and "Make Hostel look like a family movie!" Put simply: They're almost always wrong. What's sadder than that is that most people don't realize their wrong, even after they watch oh-so-sick obscure movie and shyly realize they've seen worse on the Saw promo posters, but would never admit it because it would mean going against the self-proclaimed film buffs.That is why I'm here to stand against the crowd and say what needs to be said. Flowers of Flesh and Blood is not the goriest movie of all time. For someone who's seen modern torture movies, it's not even that gory at all, and here is why . . .First and foremost, as has been stated by almost everyone, this movie has no plot. It's pure fake snuff from open to close. I have absolutely nothing against that at all. While it was too tame for me to fully enjoy, the lack of a plot made the film very intense and easy to sit through without getting bored. On the other hand, however, the lack of a plot made the film seem a lot more brutal than it actually was. If you were to take any of the five Saw films and cut out every minute except the pure gore, all of them would seem just as intense, if not more intense, than Flowers of Flesh and Blood. If you were to add forty more minutes of plot to Flowers of Flesh and Blood, it would seem just just as tame as all the Hollywood torture films that the self-proclaimed film buffs all call tame. Don't mistake intensity for gore.Second, Flowers of Flesh and Blood isn't something you can just walk to the local video store and get five copies of. It's nowhere even slightly as well-known as Saw and Hostel. The obscurity is something self-proclaimed film buffs have always fed off of, and if this were something you could easily pick up, the same self-proclaimed film buffs wouldn't even consider it gory. You see, it's not about content, it's all about lack of popularity that builds a false hype. Likewise, whenever someone says, for example, that Ichi the Killer is "The sickest movie I've ever seen!", the self-proclaimed film buffs all jump on his back and say they found it tame, even if they really didn't. Then they say something like, "But, man, go watch Flowers of Flesh and Blood—now there is a sick movie!" Again, the lesser known name build the hype.Third, the gore content is simply uncreative. Standard limbs are severed as in every other standard gore movie ever. The only difference here is that the cameraman goes into ultra close-ups every few seconds to give the illusion that this movie is actually doing something that hasn't been done thousands of times.There were at least ten spots in the movie where my own mind went into things that could have been done to make the scene four times as gory, but the director doesn't even have half that imagination or balls. He stuck to the generic, seen-it-a-thousand-times gore scenes. That alone makes this inferior to the Saw and Hostel series as far as gore goes, not to mention inferior to the countless other modern films like The Decent and Inside. Point blank: there is nothing here that is sadistic or even that gory. Sadism implies that gore has creativity, and that is a total joke here. Gore implies that something is brutal and bloody, and, as I've said, compared to modern movies, this is fairly average.Don't believe the hype that this is oh-so-gory.On a technical level, the acting from the main villain a joke, as I think it was meant to be. The acting from the woman was very believable. The ultra close-ups became cheesy. The gore effects are nothing compared to the French gore film Inside, but I never once thought they lacked enough realism to become laughable, as some reviewers stated. You have to remember, also, that most of the reviewers who say they laughed at this movie are most likely saying that to overlook that they have weak stomachs. It's common.On an entertainment level, I found this movie to be very much worth a watch, and very entertaining. I give it credit for the intensity. The only plot point in the film, that the killer only kills women, is a outright cliché, but it doesn't bear anything on the actual film.Overall, Flowers of Flesh and Blood is a fun little torture film that lacks anything truly disturbing or gory, but is worth the watch if you're a gore fan. I'm really just sick of people hyping this to be so much gorier than the Hollywood norm, because it simply is not. The first five minutes of Saw IV alone, the autopsy scene, had every single thing this movie had. When it comes to the world of gore, this is the single most overrated film of all time.4/10
MovieManiac42 This is the second addition to the Guinea Pig series, and probably the most infamous. The film follows a young women who is kidnapped by a man in a samurai suit. The young lady finds herself tied to a bed and drugged. The drugs that are given to her not only prevent her from feeling any pain, but in fact makes her enjoy it to a degree. The samurai man begins cutting off limbs and slicing the women up left and right, but he is not doing it to be cruel, he is doing it for beauty. In his eyes its not only the outer appearance of a women that makes her beautiful but it is also what is inside.Personally the film itself was kind of dull, with having virtually not plot at all, but I am amazed by how detailed and realistic the special effects are. The film focuses on every detail of the human body and how it reacts when getting a sharp blade through it, and slicing it apart. I was jaw dropped by what I saw. Like I have said in previous posts I personally didn't find this film to be very disturbing, but I have become almost completely desensitized do to viewing films like these over the years. I think for the average horror fan that this would be a landmark film in their horror viewing, and would definitely open their eyes to something they have not seen before. But for the hardcore gorehounds such as myself it is good to just have a copy of this film for its novelty.
Illyngophobia Before I start,I just want to state a little bit about myself.Growing up,I was use to watching horror movies.Nothing could genuinely scare me to death.I built an immunity to certain movies,so I'm not affected.Which is ironic,since I've been easily scare-able.I'm also not repulsed by certain things,like shock sites or shock images.So I'm up for almost anything,and always on the look for the real deal.I stumbled across this after randomly searching around on Youtube for something to watch.I suddenly found a slide-show of screen shots of the movie.I was thinking it would be like Hostel,nothing but gore and torture.I was very surprised by how well the effects were.When I reached the end,I learned the dangers of going too deep into the internet.I was repulsed and disgusted by the end.I guess it was all the blood that got be so paranoid.Although I felt scarred,I felt the urge to look for the movie,or clips.This,is about a pretty woman in Toyko,who gets kidnapped by a guy in a samurai suit.She is knocked out,and her kidnapper dismembers her.He later puts her body parts on display,which is suppost to resemble,flowers (of flesh and blood) blooming,in a very disturbing way.I had a similar reaction like Charlie Sheen,who reported this to the FBI,claiming it was a real snuff movie.The effects were extremely impressive.Now,I'm picky with certain movies.some will bother me a little bit,a few will creep me out,and the small select few will chill me and disgust me,and also increase my paranoia.And this happened to be one of those.It wasn't how gruesome it was,but it was on such a high level of disturbance.Loads of blood didn't make the movie scary,it was how mad and disturbing they made the killer out to be.The whole movie was fine overall,it was like Faces of Detah to me,but the ending was the most disturbing part,in which the guy shows the parts displayed in his 'museum'.This movie still disturbs me,and I'm just leaving as a warning,if you are faint of heart,don't watch this.Especially alone.I made that mistake at one in the morning and I regret it.So take some cation if you wish to watch this.