The Revolution

The Revolution

The Revolution
The Revolution

The Revolution

8.5 | en | Documentary

The American Revolution is a 2006 miniseries from The History Channel composed of thirteen episodes which track the American Revolution from the Boston Massacre through the Treaty of Paris, which declared America's independence from Great Britain. The series is narrated by Edward Herrmann.

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Seasons & Episodes

EP13  A President and His Revolution
Sep. 26,2007
A President and His Revolution

George Washington completes his eight-day trip from his home at Mount Vernon, Virginia to New York City and his inauguration as the first president of the newly United States of America. The former Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army now becomes, simply, Mr. President.

EP12  Road to the Presidency
Sep. 19,2007
Road to the Presidency

As George Washington rides to his inauguration as the first American president of the United States, he reflects back on the war and its most critical moments, and looks ahead to how he will make his mark on the new and revolutionary nation that has chosen him as its foundational leader.

EP11  Becoming a Nation
Sep. 12,2007
Becoming a Nation

News of the American victory at Yorktown spreads quickly around the globe. Parliament forces the King to agree to American Independence, and John Adams joins Benjamin Franklin in France to negotiate the 1783 Treaty of Paris. The 13 new American states delineate a new form of government and urge Washington into the presidential office.

EP10  The End Game
Sep. 05,2007
The End Game

As the revolution continues, Washinton faces two mutinies in the Continental Army. In England, opposition to the war grows, and while the French tire of supporting America, Franklin continues to successfully solicit their aid. General Cornwallis moves his army to Yorktown, Virginia, and the Allied forces close in for the last major battle of the war.

EP9  A Hornet's Nest
Aug. 29,2007
A Hornet's Nest

After the fall of Charleston, the war explodes into the Carolina backcountry, touching of a brutal civil war. The Americans are defeated at Camden and in an unconventional strategic move, Generals Nathanael Greene and Daniel Morgan split the army between then, leading British General Charles Cornwallis on a chase that culminates in the Battle of Guildford Courthouse.

EP8  The War Heads South
Aug. 22,2007
The War Heads South

In their failure to defeat George Washington, the British change course and turn their attentions southward. In a final effort to quell the rebellion, they surround and lay siege to Charleston, South Carolina. Continental General Benjamin Lincoln braces for the attack, but his outnumbered forces ultimately fall.

EP7  Treason and Betrayal
Aug. 15,2007
Treason and Betrayal

The once heroic, General Benedict Arnold turns his back on his country in an act of pride, sealing his legacy as a traitor. George Washington takes the war to the frontier, burning the Iroquois Indians out of New York State and leaving a wake of destruction and devastation.

EP6  Forging an Army
Aug. 08,2007
Forging an Army

General Washington's losses continue, and some in Congress begin to question his leadership. Washington's immediate concern, however, is for the health and security of his ragged, starving, and slowly dwindling army.

EP5  Path to World War
Aug. 01,2007
Path to World War

As the American situation reaches desperation, Bejamin Franklin descends on Paris and talks the French into joining the fight against Britain. Meanwhile, British General William Howe badly defeats George Washington's troops at the Battle of Brandywine. To the North, American general Horatio Gates takes the Battle of Saratoga, thereby convincing France to enter the fight.

EP4  American Crisis
Jul. 25,2007
American Crisis

As the new nation begins to realize that all its efforts may have been for naught, a desperate and determined General George Washington gambles on a brillant - yet dangerously daring - design in order to save his army and America itself.

EP3  Declaring Independence
Jul. 18,2007
Declaring Independence

Finally, in 1776, noble ideas and long-desired dreams are realized as the Declaration of Independence is signed and America is born. Yet many dark and devastating struggles lay ahead, and few Americans trust that the glorious cause will survive.

EP2  Rebellion to Revolution
Jul. 11,2007
Rebellion to Revolution

As rebellion escalates into war, the Continental Congress establishes an army and appoints George Washington to Commander-in-Chief. When the army surrounds the British troops in Boston, Britain sends additional troops and its three best generals. In spite of these tactics, the Continental Army's assault forces the British troops and loyalists to flee the city.

EP1  Boston, Bloody Boston
Jul. 04,2007
Boston, Bloody Boston

Faced with escalating controversies and conflicts, the American colonists are forced to act. Some of the major political players of the rebellion are introduced as a Continental Congress convenes

8.5 | en | Documentary | More Info
Released: 2007-07-04 | Released Producted By: , Country: United States of America Budget: 0 Revenue: 0 Official Website:

The American Revolution is a 2006 miniseries from The History Channel composed of thirteen episodes which track the American Revolution from the Boston Massacre through the Treaty of Paris, which declared America's independence from Great Britain. The series is narrated by Edward Herrmann.

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drjgardner "The Revolution" is a 13 part series on the American Revolutionary War, with a focus on George Washington (which seems natural) but which also covers the activities of Benjamin Franklin, and Benedict Arnold as well as John Paul Jones, John Adams, the war with the Indians, etc. It is mostly a series about the War per se with very little about the politics, economics, or domestic life.The episodes stick to the facts with few attempts to embellish. The maps and expert interviews are all adequate, although there is a tendency to overuse some of the footage and also to spend a little too much time summarizing. The reenactments are excellent for a docudramaPersonally I preferred the series "Sons of Liberty" (2015) as this series gave some fresh perspectives on the war. Other important TV series include "The Adams Chronicles" (1976), "Washington's Spies" (2014), and Ben Franklin (1974). But there is far too little about the American Revolution so this is a welcome addition.
robertfranz A workmanlike treatment of the colonial war against England.A nod is given to home grown terrorist groups such as the Sons of Liberty, where we see both their instigation of the incident in Boston Common, and their cynical manipulation to further their tax rebellion.Footage is recycled a little to obviously.One scene portraying Washington in a state of annoyance was used no less than three times in unrelated segments.Episode 12 has no reason to exist, it's just a recap of the entire series, done in annoying and pointless flashbacks.The writing is pretty bad in places. If you turn subtitles on, the bad textual choices are obvious enough to pause it ans ask yourself did-they-really-just-say-that?It's a shame that they were able to get the facts basically correct, but could not make an entertaining story out of events so fraught with intrigue and drama.
lmbelt Please do not be dissuaded from watching this series should the chance arise, or you be inclined to purchase the set. All in all, a very informative documentary. The reenactments serve their purpose given the budget, the reenactors are not as fat as the typical Civil War reenactors, the professional actors with few exceptions work their parts, and the history is compelling.That said, let me point out some glaring errors/omissions. First, I agree with an earlier reviewer that the Battle of Princeton should not have been omitted. More glaring omissions relate to - and correct me if I am wrong; some of the 13 hour series was watched while performing household chores - no mention of either Lafayette or Francis Marion, The Swamp Fox. Not enough attention given to Alexander Hamilton or "Lighthorse Harry" Lee (R.E. Lee's father).The most glaring error: the series leads us to believe George and Martha had children, whereas Washington's relationship was as step-father. I double-checked the fact George Washington had no legitimate, biological children. If mistaken, I welcome correction.The death of George's "son" is mentioned, but not the son's apparent reluctance to serve in the War prior to the Siege of Yorktown (during which his contributions were undoubtedly minimal). That the son was something of a shirker and johnny-come-lately makes it hard to accept George was grief-stricken at his death as the series depicts.Better than the previous television attempt, but undoubtedly inferior to the hallmark of American Revolution documentaries we await, the series is still worthy of your time.
Robert J. Maxwell I write this on July 3rd, 2010. Tomorrow is Independence Day when the entire nation will celebrate its victory in the Revolutionary War. Last week, a Marist College survey asked respondents which country we won independence from. The good news: seventy-four percent got it right. The bad news: one out of every five Americans did not know which country we won independence from. The even WORSE news: six percent named the wrong countries, ranging from Mexico to China.Accurate, dramatic, informative documentaries from The History Channel -- Now, more than ever! This series is a big improvement over Charles Kuralt's series of ten years earlier. Not because it's narrated by Edward Hermann instead of the late Charles Kuralt, but because it's longer, so it includes more personal, civil, and military details, and because it obviously had a bigger budget.The earlier series seemed filmed all at once in the same location and season -- a mild winter day within a milieu of skeletal trees and a carpet of dry dead leaves. Here, when a column of soldiers marches through South Carolina, it LOOKS like South Carolina. And the winter in Morristown is convincingly snowy.Also, Kuralt's resources were limited beyond the constraints of the budget. Now, when a cannon ball plows up the ground, there is a CGI of a puff of black dirt and smoke. And I don't know who did the research on this series but it was a job well done, with quotations not just from somebody with the name of Samuel Plum, but other grunts too, and George Washington and Cornwallis stuck in Yorktown and the comfortable, self-indulgent Clinton in New York City.We don't really hear much about the Revolutionary War. Not really. Not in any detail. One of the reasons may be that, although we "won," the victory was won over a nation that has been our staunchest ally for the past century or more. The US and the UK have been through two bloody world wars together and are now engaged side by side in the Middle East. Too many military histories flourish because they are able to demonize the enemy in ways both major and minor. It's hard to watch an older documentary like "Victory at Sea" nowadays without a shudder at the way the narrator pronounces the word "Japanese," using the same morphemic contours some bluenose might use for "pornography." I would guess that the majority of Americans couldn't name a single battle of the Revolutionary War. Those that could, would probably come up with Yorktown (we won -- hell, we named an aircraft carrier after it). Those whose interests extend farther beyond their own body sheaths might come up with Cowpens (we won). Maybe Trenton (we won). You'd have to go pretty far down the list to reach Camden (we lost). Most histories emphasize the victories of the country of their origin. But "The Revolutionary War" avoids this. Its even-handedness is admirable. The defeats at Camden and Charleston are right up there with the better known victories.Maps are plentiful and clear. Reenactments take up most of the footage, and some portraits of leaders as well, since after all no photographs are available.The episodes on what's known as The Southern Strategy were particularly informative. With a stalemate in the North, the British moved an army into the Southern cities hoping to find more loyalist sentiment. But when they found themselves in the backwoods and uphill country they ran into disorganized bands of feuding loyalists and patriots calling themselves "militia" and fighting clan feuds left over from the original settlement of the area. Think Hatfields and McCoys. In other words, instead of finding themselves hailed by the locals, the British troops wound up in the middle of civil war, with they themselves being treated more as an alien force. Meanwhile, back in London, the English were tearing their hair out over the apparent endlessness and the expense of the war in money and in lives. Here comes Santayana.Also surprising, to me anyway, was the role of the French. It amounted to far more than some symbolic "Lafayette." France and England at the time were traditional enemies. What began as a small rebellion in Boston had turned into a world-wide war six years later, with the French Navy keeping the British fleet occupied in places as far away as Calcutta. And the British surrender at Yorktown was preceded by a four-day battle between the French and British navies in the Chesapeake. Seven thousand British troops yielded to 12,000 American -- and 5,000 French soldiers. We did not win it alone.I guess I'm also surprised that the war didn't end with a wholesale slaughter of the opposition, and with one dictator replacing another. That seems to be how revolutions usually wind up.Our shared cultural data base is shrinking at an alarming rate. That's one reason I recommend seeing this documentary. Boy, do I recommend it.